lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Causes and effects of Globalization

Causes and effects of Globalization
The Globalization is a new movement that it has come to revolutionize to the world, The globalization include many factors like economy, politics and religion; the globalization is the way that the world tries to become unified, this unification could be generate many disadvantages and advantages which are caused by the intent of creating an only government, which brings effects like the abuse of the power and the mass production and is for this reason that I think that the globalization have more damages that benefits.
The first point that I would like to develop is the cause of the globalization, in the last time the globalization it was alone a very distant vision of a world united by a single constitution or government, but in this time this is ready the countries with more power try to implement a new market where the advantages are alone for those themselves, and the countries with smaller potential simply work for them with minimum wages to the maximum effort.    
            One of the effects of the globalization is the abuse of the power; we look this effect for example in our country when world powers as USA determine a rate or tendency in the world, automatically our country adopt this rule, although this it doesn't please us because if we don’t use this we are out of the tendency or we are in disadvantage. For my this is a bad condition of the globalization because the e fear of losing the back of these countries for not making what they want, makes that we lose our own identity.
            Other effect of this “unification” it the mass production, in other countries that t have experienced the effects of the globalization the number is more important that the quantity, for example in multinational companies the main objective is the production of their articles for millions and millions and the worker that have the possibility of work in this companies don’t have the possibility to implement your creative devise because if they try to use this the company replaces them for machines that have the ability to produce more in less time.
             As a conclusion I belief that the globalization is bad for the countries, it’s true that generate more works but the people that work in there have bad conditions because need to work a lot for a bad remuneration and don’t have possibilities for improvise their ideas. The globalization need a big boss and they is the only one that is beneficiary and it is the only one that receives the biggest quantity in benefits and this country use your power for remove their identity to the countries for achieve their objective to create a single unit where all make what they wants.

Gay marriage

Gay marriage
            In last time this topic was very strange and was a discussion that the people didn't have because this was a taboo and the old people believe that if they spoke about it the new generation would experience this. In this time speak about homosexual, lesbians and bisexual is very common because now we life surrounded by this kind of people, I don’t know if this people are gays because they born in this manner or they change after that but, I think that this new type of couple make many different problems in the religion and social aspects because now they have the idea to life in marriage.
            In the religion aspect I think this is very bad, because in the bible say that we have only one type of couple and this is only men and women, and this people with your marriage are smashing a divine law, and has been revolutionizing the spiritual environment, because they want to marry according to their thoughts blessed by a priest or spiritual leader and all of these goes against what the church and their teachings say, for this reason they have had many discussions and many manifestations.
            Other negative point is in the social field, many of this people after having the approbation of to be able to get married they don't feel really happy and they want to adopt children and this point make many problems because a lot of  people think in the security and in the formation that these children will have, many people believe that one child that have gay parents in the future he or she is going to transformed also in a gay person, this formation will finish becoming an entire threat for people that we don't share this type of relationships as me.
            We have other problem in the social field is that not only for this people but it has  a big importance in this community and this is the proliferation of illnesses, from the past the science and other disciplines attribute you the dissemination from the alone AIDS to homosexual people, in this time we know that this is not truth because now many people have this illnes although they are not gays, but the homosexuality has a big problem because they cannot procreate, they have believed that they don't have any risk to be with all the people that want ,and for this reason the promiscuity among gays has untied the proliferation of many other illnesses.
            As a conclusion I believe that the homosexual people should not be entitled of marrying because this goes against the religious ethics and against our own identity like society, I think that the homosexuality have only bad points because this kind of state make a disorder in the rest of the society also brings many other problems like a increase in the quantity of illnesses and many childrens that don’t have the blame will have an imbalance in the emotional aspect as in the psychological one.

Domestic terrorism

Domestic terrorism
            The Domestic Terrorism is a problem that has their origin from old times, because this terrorism is the famous domestic violence, the difference is that in this time then people have changed their perspective, and they have been made more insensitive and the victims of this abuse needed to change the name of violence for terrorism for the authorities offer help them. I would like try to explain which the different types of domestic violence, these are: psychological violence, verbal violence and physical violence.
            The first of this is the psychological violence; this is manifested when the aggressor play with the feelings and emotions of the person and try with different forms to make that the person feel bad and that their self­-esteem become very low, with this manipulation the boastful  can have the complete control of the person by means of the intimidation. The majority of these cases of violence have a big problem because the victims feel so humiliated that they make the decision of committing suicide.
            The second type of violence is the verbal; this kind of violence is very related with the first one because so that psychological violence exists, disgraceful words they should exist; in this violence the aggressor use words that affect the capacity to act against this, because the person that live this it feels afraid and he/she fears in many of the cases that their aggressor takes vengeance in some dear relative, and for these reason is very difficult that exist a change or that they can arrive to a solution without any type of help.
            The third kind is the physical aggression, this violence not only use a verbal and psychological violence, this use also the force. This person suffer of many abuses because the violent person hit them, is some cases with the hands and in others with different tools that produce serious lesions in the people. This type of violence also includes the sexual abuse for the reason, that sometimes the victims are forced to have sex under unpleasant conditions and many times against their will.
            As a conclusion, the domestic violence is a mixture of verbal aggressions, blows, humiliations and scorns that is not only for women’s in this time we have different cases in those that those attacked have been men. Is very sad know that in our own families exist people that are being abused and that for fear they don't talk about this. I have some advice that I would like to give for this situation: the person that live in domestic violence need to understand that he or she is most important person in the world and nobody is entitled to make it feel bad, and for the persons that know somebody that is being abused, it is necessary to call to the authorities; let us be not accomplices of this type of violence.  

Current ethnic conflict

Current ethnic conflict
In this time, we live in a big World that have different ideas and other forms to look the life, is for this reason that many problems have been created among which are the ethnics. An Ethnic conflict is a group of people that believe in the same, they share language, the religion, the tribe, the nationality or the race, and that shares a common feeling of identity with other members. I will try to give some solution for help this big problem that affects families, specific persons and the world in general because these conflicts affect us to all.  
                 The first advice is the respect for the others, in the majority of the conflicts the problem is that the persons don’t respect that the other said and think because many people think that they are the only that have reason and don’t understand that exist people that believe in other religions for example, this is in this time the most big problem that we have because the government and others want to establish an only religion in the world and the people that don’t belief in this religion don’t have the possibility to express your feelings with liberty  to their god.
The second recommendation is to listen new ideas, I think that if all the people listen the ideas of other persons or nations this word it would be better, because all the people would have the opportunity to express their necessities and the big countries they could help to these towns and try to increase the peace and to stay together with the other countries and not with now that only they have good ideas and the countries that depend of they need to make all that they say, I think that  if everybody unites would not be any problem type but we need to listen to the others.
 The third advice is help the others, when you help other person you create a peaceful space, and in this time that would be brilliant because many people need help. Many countries think that they are the only important in the word and that others need to survive alone but countries as Africa and other that are really poor need collaboration of all the people, I think in this because I don’t understand for why many persons need to death every day and others need to fight for that their rights are real, I think that all of this situations can change if we help ourselves each other, they would not have fights, famines and deaths.
                As a conclusion, I believe that this word have solution but we need to work together because when you have several hands you the have the possibility to make amazing changes, we need to unite the word, we have the ability to create a word in peace, where the people that need help have in who to lean on. We can have a better future, we can change the reality of countries that are in war but we need to help others, listening new ideas and respect the ideas of the other, these recommendations could help to find the road toward a better future.

Arguments for or against harsher jail sentences for criminals and penalties for drunk drivers

Arguments for or against harsher jail sentences for criminals and penalties for drunk drivers
Actually we listen in all of media communication about different types of criminal acts; in the majority of the cases the persons involved finish dead. These types of crimes are in categories as violators, kidnappers, homicidal and drunk drivers and all of these have a different sentences and this is the point that I like to develop in this essay. I would like to talk about three of these sentences that involve criminal, these are: the death penalty, infractions and the jail.
In order to description I would like to begin with the death penalty, in Costa Rica this sentence was eradicated a long time ago but in other countries as United state it is common to listen about it. In my opinion this is the most severe punishment and this is only for people that have many crimes in your file for example have actions as terrorism attack and slaughter. I think this is a very strong punishment because anybody has the authority to remove the life to anybody.
The other corrections that the authorities have tried to implement are the infractions, I believe this is good strategy for educate to people that are irresponsible and they break the rules because when you take the money of the people they react because in this time the economy situation is very bad and the people care your money. Other infraction is when the people drive drunk in our country we adopt a new  rule and the driver need to give their automobile to the policemen and the official remove the license.
The third punishment is the jail, I think this is for people that don’t understand with one infraction and they continue making the same crimes, this people have problems because they now that they make are bad and have consequences but they make the same. It’s merciless but I think that when the people that don’t like obey norms have bad or difficult experiences they really learn their lesson. This restriction it is also for possible violators and thieves and this action could go from one year until a lifetime.
As a conclusion I think that the majority of this penalties are good because help for keep a peaceful environment. Is important that the authorities continue making reality all these punishments because the criminals will see that sooner or later they will have to pay for their bad actions and the quantity of delinquency it could diminish and we would have a better life and we doesn’t have fear neither we would be insecure; is for this reason that I think that the crime need to pay your accions.   

viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

The technology

                                                         The technology

          At the moment the use of the technology has become indispensable in the life of most of people, because this offers us many facilities, which save us time and they give us the opportunity to come closer to people who we love and to offer them more time, we could say that the technology has come to make our life more pleasant and its advantages are in the communication, in the field of the health and in the implementation of transportation which I will develop in this writing

          In the first place I will develop the topic of the technology in the communication, this become almost indispensable in all the homes because allows to reduce distances among a place and other, it allows us to speak with people who are in another country and even in another continent. This service has been one of the most important that we have been created because in the event of an emergency the much quicker help could arrive and in this way they can save many more lives in less time.

          In second place the field of the health, in this area a very great advance has been made because by means of the technology they have become good diagnostics, the technology allows to carry out operations with the use of cameras and automated arms which arrive to very distant places and of difficult access in the body. There is you podium to investigate illnesses that were ignored in the antiquity and for this reason also people died has been able to create medicine for most of the illnesses.

         In third place the invention of the means of transport, this invention he/she has come to revolutionize the world because now very speedy cars are make for offer the possibility to arrive to distant places in really short times. It has been invented lately many types of cars that are create to work with green energy, those that work with electrician services and those that use solar energy all these try to help to the world with the global heating, but using the high technology in each one of their inventions

        As a conclusion we could say that the technology opens us the doors to an entire world full with possibilities, which go from a small cellular until a luxurious car, all these with the purpose of facilitate the human life and to make of this an entire marvel. It is necessary to have conscience of the use that we give to this waiting whenever it is used to benefit the man and it doesn't stop to destroy it or to make of him a slave which depends total and completely of the technology.

The poverty

                                                                     The poverty

          In this moment, the poverty is the biggest problem that the society has, these problems include many factors some of these are: the lack of studies, the addiction to the drugs and the lack of own initiative in the search of opportunities. These problems are very serious, but they could have solutions and the people that are passing bad moments could change this reality that affects them, I would like to try in this writing about the possible solution that the people could have a better life.

         The first of these solutions are the possibility to begin to study, they need to try to obtain a scholarship, many institutions are waiting this type of people to offer them help, another option is to acquire a work, although it is not very well paid to be able to buy the necessary begging to study and then they could aspire to a better employment. I think this is a great idea because this person has the opportunity to found your first job they would appreciate the efforts that make to study and the sacrifice that they make, and they would not abandon these so easily.

         The second solution would be deciding to leave its addiction; this it is an own decision that the person should make if she really wants to be overcome. Is necessary a thought change, some of these people are in drugs because their self-esteem is very low and they think that escaping from the reality will be able to feel better but if they really want to leave the poverty it is necessary that they understand that they are really able of obtaining what they want and that they can truly be overcome.

         And the last solution is to begin to have a positive thought, stop to think that this situation doesn`t have solution, and to begin to look for new possibilities. Exist at the moment many companies that search people that really need to want to work; the problem with these people is that they have gotten used to be poor, and they think that is really well to live in bad conditions and that it is better to request or to steal instead of having a honest work, although at the beginning it is not very big.

        As a conclusion, I think that the begin for have a better condition is the necessity to aspire for something better, it is needed value and dedication to leave such a difficult situation as it is the poverty; it is not impossible but is necessary a change of attitude, is necessary to act and to try to overcome all the bad experiences and to look for new that are beneficial for this way to be able to leave ahead and to obtain an employment and studies which will make these people to feel better with themselves.

Disadvantages of the technology

                                                 Disadvantages of the technology

          In this time the technology offers us a big number of services that facilitate in a monumental way our lives, its go from phone services, internet, automatic teller, the use of satellites for the search of objects or people, these technological services help us for make our life a little more pleasant and easier to take but the same as their advantages these technology possess a great quantity of disadvantages which affect the development of the work life, the family environment, the social relationships and they affect the health of people that don't have a rational use of the technology.

          In the first place I would like to speak about the affects of the technology in the work life, although it is certain the technology makes that our work becomes something easy and don't unite heavy task as everybody thinks, but the problem is the need to be able to use these means a preparation or inclusive an entire advanced study and in some cases the companies have opted to change the whole production system for you scheme which carry out the work of some more employees quickly, these employees they are replaced for these you scheme then when not possessing the study or preparation for the manipulation of these they cannot work generating this way unemployment which affects the families of this people.

          Another of the cases of the technology affects the human being is in the family environment, many of the parents opt to buy to children video games and this type of apparatuses for maintain busy your children by the way time, the problem is when not being regulated the time that the boy spends with the video game, they prefer to play and this way the times of family communion become every smaller time. Another of the cases is that with the easiness of the nets and the internet the parents are taken more work of the bill for their house, and they don't worry about the time that they sacrifice that their works absorb them, you give uniting likewise at their families and their time of rest.

          Subsequently I would like to mention the affection that the technology provides to the social relationships, because in many of the cases the technology is not used in a responsible way and places called chats have been created where people know other people, and it is not that is wrong, the true problem is when the person that uses this place is locked in him and begins to not feeling the necessity to socialize with real people and a relationship begins only becomes intimate with the computer or cellular.

          As a concussion I can say that the technology helps us a lot in our live, it help us to communicate, to shorten distances and to have a good time but if the sufficiently responsible thing is not been, it could generate more problems of than it solves and it is here where we should consider and to control the time that we spend or we use with the technological devices because we should offer that these are an useful tool of which we can take out a lot of benefit and not an instrument that restricts our life and it causes him uneasiness.

Measures taken against global warming by countries around the world

                      Measures taken against global warming by countries around the world

         At the moment the global warning is a problem that has ended up being of the most serious in the world, it doesn't respect social range, culture neither religion. It has been developed in a few years thanks to the man's irresponsible handling with the natural resources, although the experts announce that this phenomenon you cannot repair and to recover what has gotten lost and that one can make is to brake the climatic change and it is here where many countries have made the decision of making something, among these United States, China, Mexico and Costa Rica, highlights each one with a different project.

         United States was one of the first countries in taking letters in the matter to try to make conscience in its town and in the world about that what happening to the global warning. One of these outstanding men is the famous Al Gore, by means of advertising campaigns, studies and their famous one documental "a truth inconveniences" he has tried to inform people of what we are really causing to our planet by means of the great contamination that it`s generate by the industry, the vehicles and the massive quantity of garbage that we generate, he has also created in United State, Australia and the United Kingdom the local headquarters of The Climate Project.

        On the other hand China has also made big efforts to counteract the crisis for the heating globa with the implementation of a national plan to reduce the effects of the gases emission with effect hothouse, becoming the first country in development that is pronounced against the global climatic change. The one denominated National Program against the Climatic Change was presented by the responsible for the State Commission of Development and it Reforms, Ma Kai, in which highlighted the commitment of China in the protection of the environment.

       Mexico on the other hand has tried to fight against the deforestation and this reforming the industries, this investing in infrastructure that doesn't damage to the environment. All that comes out him very expensive to a country like Mexico, but it tries to make their own contribution so that the citizens take profit out of this and the atmosphere is not harmed, because the construction of these buildings will give the opportunity not to destroy so much forest as they make it other constructions and when planting but trees offer him but stability to the planet.

       And in last place but not less important in their intents to help to the planet Costa Rica is who according to in numerous articles and studies it is one of the countries in which it has been to protect the nature in their maximum percentage. Multiple recycling campaigns have been created it is that people select their garbage appropriately. Actions have been developed for deforested in big quantities and many wild areas have been protected that before were abandoned.

        As conclusion I believe that the global heating is a great problem that has solution which is in our hands and that although we don't see it is our responsibility, the simple action of turning off a light that is not used, to close the tube while we wash our teeth and to classify our garbage is a great help that we are providing to our planet and we should make it because alone we have one, for that reason we need to unite people in the fight against the global warning.

Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

                                     Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

          The weapons of mass destruction are the instruments that the people use for destroying a high number of persons or make damages. These weapons are in eight countries, five of them are considered "states nuclearly armed". In order of acquisition of nuclear weapons, these are: the United States of America, the Russian Federation (old USSR), the Kingdom and the North of Ireland, the Republic of French and the Popular Republic of China. The weapon of mass destruction has three kinds: nuclear weapons, biological weapons and chemical weapons.

          The first of this kind are the nuclear weapons, theses are an explosive of high power that use a nuclear energy; this kind of weapon were used in the attack of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities in the second world war. The nuclear weapon has the capacity to destroy extremely extensive areas with a single detonation; the first places that had these bombs were the population of Alamogordo, New Mexico and United States like experimental part of the Project Manhattan.

          The second kinds are the biological weapons; these are weapons that use the toxic properties of chemical substances to kill, to hurt or to disable the enemy. These arms are different from the nuclear weapons because it doesn’t use an explosive force. According to the Convention on Chemical Weapons of 1993, it is considered chemical weapon, any toxic chemical substance, without caring their origin, with the exception that they are used with allowed purposes.

          The third kinds are the biological weapons, these are organisms or toxins that can kill or disable people, the agriculture and the crops. They use three groups of biological agents that serve them as weapons are: the bacterias, the virus and the toxins; one example of the biological weapons is the caps. In United States, in the 2001, elaborated caps spores in form of a white powder and sent these in form of mail for the government's people and the media, causing deaths with the purpose of cause panic in the country; other of these kind of weapon are the pock and the bubonic pest.

          As a conclusion the weapons of mass destruction are the result of chemical substances, nuclear power and biological microorganisms, all of this with the capacity of affect and kill big quantities of people in few minutes or hours. It is necessary to foment the peace among people and to avoid the use of these harmful weapons which destroy the lives of people, their economies and their homes. We need laws that restrict the use of these weapons and we need to use all these technology to help people in the future.

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

Impact of migration on receiving countries

Impact of migration on receiving countries

The impact of migration on receiving countries it is not an action that arises in these times, these action ,this action has been developed from old times with the traffic of slaves; they were brought of their lands toward other completely different for provide some service. In this time the situation is a little different because the people come alone for get a work, this migration produce many situations, some positive and other negatives, for example: the implantation of industries and infrastructures, social conflicts and racist ideologies and the negative affection of the employment rates and the remunerations in the receiving countries.

The first is the implantation of industries and infrastructures, this point is very important because some times in our country we don`t have the technology and the knowledge for built certain infrastructure, for example: in our country decided to create the national stadium but we have a big problem with don’t have people with this preparation and with our workers this project would take years ,for that reason hires foreign manpower which possessed that ability and the project is almost finished.

The second situation is negative, because with the migration in the receiving countries the people has adopted a racist behavior, people make jokes and offensive comments against people of other countries, humiliating them and lowering their self-esteem; this situation make a violent atmosphere for the migrants as for the residents because certain people are not willing to resist abuses and they react violently. This in many cases ends up being a difficult problem to manage for the authorities of the receiving country because many of the fights finish in death.

The third situation is that the migration affects the employment rates and the remunerations negatively in the receiving countries, because when rising the quantity of migrants in the country in work search, they begin to compete with the national workers and as the foreigners they offer to work for less money and they give up the Public Health, the companies prefer them to save money and the company fire the employees that are civic of that country,. This situation makes much unemployment and obviously poverty for the national

As a conclusion the migrants in many aspects are great because they help us with the works that are difficult for us, but generates certain disadvantages for the labor sector of our country, the developed countries also finish feeling superiors before the migrants; this behavior generates a racist atmosphere and violence in many cases, it is for this reason that I believe that the migration is beneficial but need to stay in a scale and not to allow that none of the sides is harmed for that we all can benefit.

Globalization and health

Globalization and health

In this time the globalization is a big step that our world has given, which includes areas as a communication, work, transportations and health; is in the field of the health where it have had many changes, in some cases are good but in others are really bad, for example: with the help of the globalization the specialization has been given in areas that before had not been studied, have been able to create systems of vaccination for all the people and vaccines have been created for illnesses that before didn't have them and the big problem with problem is the creation of new illnesses.

About the specialization in different areas, I think that this is a good point of the globalization because many people have made an effort to discover and study some areas that have been difficult to manage, because are really unknown for example the study of different syndromes, your composition, your signs and symptoms and your origin. It has been to diminish the appearance of different contagious illnesses by means of the wide knowledge of their operation and the way in that act in the human body.

Other point is the creation of many kinds of vaccines that in other time were impossible to get and the people died because they could not get the medication that they needed for their illness, for my this is the most important point in the globalization, because we have in this moment the technology and the knowledge for combat a strong illness, we saw this in the last influence of AH1N1 where we had to many scientists, doctors and others working in the possible cure of this suffering and at the end we could save many lives with the vaccine.

For other size, not all in the globalization is good, for mean of this the production of many sufferings it has been increased. The globalization opens the door to a lot of sexual tourism, as much in our country as in the rest of the world, this type of business helps to the proliferation of many virus and also to the mutation of them in other very strong. One of the most important illness that the globalization make is the SIDA, this is an affection that in this moment don’t have cures, and your develop it`s very different in a body and in another. The only thing that the scientist knows is that it is developed for the promiscuity and until today's day it doesn't have cure.

As a conclusion, I think that the globalization makes many benefits for the health area because with the contribution of big scientific has been able to improve the quality of life of the people and to create a better tomorrow for the future generations, the problem is when this access is not used responsibly. I think the globalization is well but we need to learn what are the advantages and the disadvantages and we need to eradicate all these illnesses by means of a rational use of the benefits of these.