lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Current ethnic conflict

Current ethnic conflict
In this time, we live in a big World that have different ideas and other forms to look the life, is for this reason that many problems have been created among which are the ethnics. An Ethnic conflict is a group of people that believe in the same, they share language, the religion, the tribe, the nationality or the race, and that shares a common feeling of identity with other members. I will try to give some solution for help this big problem that affects families, specific persons and the world in general because these conflicts affect us to all.  
                 The first advice is the respect for the others, in the majority of the conflicts the problem is that the persons don’t respect that the other said and think because many people think that they are the only that have reason and don’t understand that exist people that believe in other religions for example, this is in this time the most big problem that we have because the government and others want to establish an only religion in the world and the people that don’t belief in this religion don’t have the possibility to express your feelings with liberty  to their god.
The second recommendation is to listen new ideas, I think that if all the people listen the ideas of other persons or nations this word it would be better, because all the people would have the opportunity to express their necessities and the big countries they could help to these towns and try to increase the peace and to stay together with the other countries and not with now that only they have good ideas and the countries that depend of they need to make all that they say, I think that  if everybody unites would not be any problem type but we need to listen to the others.
 The third advice is help the others, when you help other person you create a peaceful space, and in this time that would be brilliant because many people need help. Many countries think that they are the only important in the word and that others need to survive alone but countries as Africa and other that are really poor need collaboration of all the people, I think in this because I don’t understand for why many persons need to death every day and others need to fight for that their rights are real, I think that all of this situations can change if we help ourselves each other, they would not have fights, famines and deaths.
                As a conclusion, I believe that this word have solution but we need to work together because when you have several hands you the have the possibility to make amazing changes, we need to unite the word, we have the ability to create a word in peace, where the people that need help have in who to lean on. We can have a better future, we can change the reality of countries that are in war but we need to help others, listening new ideas and respect the ideas of the other, these recommendations could help to find the road toward a better future.

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