lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Arguments for or against harsher jail sentences for criminals and penalties for drunk drivers

Arguments for or against harsher jail sentences for criminals and penalties for drunk drivers
Actually we listen in all of media communication about different types of criminal acts; in the majority of the cases the persons involved finish dead. These types of crimes are in categories as violators, kidnappers, homicidal and drunk drivers and all of these have a different sentences and this is the point that I like to develop in this essay. I would like to talk about three of these sentences that involve criminal, these are: the death penalty, infractions and the jail.
In order to description I would like to begin with the death penalty, in Costa Rica this sentence was eradicated a long time ago but in other countries as United state it is common to listen about it. In my opinion this is the most severe punishment and this is only for people that have many crimes in your file for example have actions as terrorism attack and slaughter. I think this is a very strong punishment because anybody has the authority to remove the life to anybody.
The other corrections that the authorities have tried to implement are the infractions, I believe this is good strategy for educate to people that are irresponsible and they break the rules because when you take the money of the people they react because in this time the economy situation is very bad and the people care your money. Other infraction is when the people drive drunk in our country we adopt a new  rule and the driver need to give their automobile to the policemen and the official remove the license.
The third punishment is the jail, I think this is for people that don’t understand with one infraction and they continue making the same crimes, this people have problems because they now that they make are bad and have consequences but they make the same. It’s merciless but I think that when the people that don’t like obey norms have bad or difficult experiences they really learn their lesson. This restriction it is also for possible violators and thieves and this action could go from one year until a lifetime.
As a conclusion I think that the majority of this penalties are good because help for keep a peaceful environment. Is important that the authorities continue making reality all these punishments because the criminals will see that sooner or later they will have to pay for their bad actions and the quantity of delinquency it could diminish and we would have a better life and we doesn’t have fear neither we would be insecure; is for this reason that I think that the crime need to pay your accions.   

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