viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

Measures taken against global warming by countries around the world

                      Measures taken against global warming by countries around the world

         At the moment the global warning is a problem that has ended up being of the most serious in the world, it doesn't respect social range, culture neither religion. It has been developed in a few years thanks to the man's irresponsible handling with the natural resources, although the experts announce that this phenomenon you cannot repair and to recover what has gotten lost and that one can make is to brake the climatic change and it is here where many countries have made the decision of making something, among these United States, China, Mexico and Costa Rica, highlights each one with a different project.

         United States was one of the first countries in taking letters in the matter to try to make conscience in its town and in the world about that what happening to the global warning. One of these outstanding men is the famous Al Gore, by means of advertising campaigns, studies and their famous one documental "a truth inconveniences" he has tried to inform people of what we are really causing to our planet by means of the great contamination that it`s generate by the industry, the vehicles and the massive quantity of garbage that we generate, he has also created in United State, Australia and the United Kingdom the local headquarters of The Climate Project.

        On the other hand China has also made big efforts to counteract the crisis for the heating globa with the implementation of a national plan to reduce the effects of the gases emission with effect hothouse, becoming the first country in development that is pronounced against the global climatic change. The one denominated National Program against the Climatic Change was presented by the responsible for the State Commission of Development and it Reforms, Ma Kai, in which highlighted the commitment of China in the protection of the environment.

       Mexico on the other hand has tried to fight against the deforestation and this reforming the industries, this investing in infrastructure that doesn't damage to the environment. All that comes out him very expensive to a country like Mexico, but it tries to make their own contribution so that the citizens take profit out of this and the atmosphere is not harmed, because the construction of these buildings will give the opportunity not to destroy so much forest as they make it other constructions and when planting but trees offer him but stability to the planet.

       And in last place but not less important in their intents to help to the planet Costa Rica is who according to in numerous articles and studies it is one of the countries in which it has been to protect the nature in their maximum percentage. Multiple recycling campaigns have been created it is that people select their garbage appropriately. Actions have been developed for deforested in big quantities and many wild areas have been protected that before were abandoned.

        As conclusion I believe that the global heating is a great problem that has solution which is in our hands and that although we don't see it is our responsibility, the simple action of turning off a light that is not used, to close the tube while we wash our teeth and to classify our garbage is a great help that we are providing to our planet and we should make it because alone we have one, for that reason we need to unite people in the fight against the global warning.

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