lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Causes and effects of Globalization

Causes and effects of Globalization
The Globalization is a new movement that it has come to revolutionize to the world, The globalization include many factors like economy, politics and religion; the globalization is the way that the world tries to become unified, this unification could be generate many disadvantages and advantages which are caused by the intent of creating an only government, which brings effects like the abuse of the power and the mass production and is for this reason that I think that the globalization have more damages that benefits.
The first point that I would like to develop is the cause of the globalization, in the last time the globalization it was alone a very distant vision of a world united by a single constitution or government, but in this time this is ready the countries with more power try to implement a new market where the advantages are alone for those themselves, and the countries with smaller potential simply work for them with minimum wages to the maximum effort.    
            One of the effects of the globalization is the abuse of the power; we look this effect for example in our country when world powers as USA determine a rate or tendency in the world, automatically our country adopt this rule, although this it doesn't please us because if we don’t use this we are out of the tendency or we are in disadvantage. For my this is a bad condition of the globalization because the e fear of losing the back of these countries for not making what they want, makes that we lose our own identity.
            Other effect of this “unification” it the mass production, in other countries that t have experienced the effects of the globalization the number is more important that the quantity, for example in multinational companies the main objective is the production of their articles for millions and millions and the worker that have the possibility of work in this companies don’t have the possibility to implement your creative devise because if they try to use this the company replaces them for machines that have the ability to produce more in less time.
             As a conclusion I belief that the globalization is bad for the countries, it’s true that generate more works but the people that work in there have bad conditions because need to work a lot for a bad remuneration and don’t have possibilities for improvise their ideas. The globalization need a big boss and they is the only one that is beneficiary and it is the only one that receives the biggest quantity in benefits and this country use your power for remove their identity to the countries for achieve their objective to create a single unit where all make what they wants.

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