lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010

Gay marriage

Gay marriage
            In last time this topic was very strange and was a discussion that the people didn't have because this was a taboo and the old people believe that if they spoke about it the new generation would experience this. In this time speak about homosexual, lesbians and bisexual is very common because now we life surrounded by this kind of people, I don’t know if this people are gays because they born in this manner or they change after that but, I think that this new type of couple make many different problems in the religion and social aspects because now they have the idea to life in marriage.
            In the religion aspect I think this is very bad, because in the bible say that we have only one type of couple and this is only men and women, and this people with your marriage are smashing a divine law, and has been revolutionizing the spiritual environment, because they want to marry according to their thoughts blessed by a priest or spiritual leader and all of these goes against what the church and their teachings say, for this reason they have had many discussions and many manifestations.
            Other negative point is in the social field, many of this people after having the approbation of to be able to get married they don't feel really happy and they want to adopt children and this point make many problems because a lot of  people think in the security and in the formation that these children will have, many people believe that one child that have gay parents in the future he or she is going to transformed also in a gay person, this formation will finish becoming an entire threat for people that we don't share this type of relationships as me.
            We have other problem in the social field is that not only for this people but it has  a big importance in this community and this is the proliferation of illnesses, from the past the science and other disciplines attribute you the dissemination from the alone AIDS to homosexual people, in this time we know that this is not truth because now many people have this illnes although they are not gays, but the homosexuality has a big problem because they cannot procreate, they have believed that they don't have any risk to be with all the people that want ,and for this reason the promiscuity among gays has untied the proliferation of many other illnesses.
            As a conclusion I believe that the homosexual people should not be entitled of marrying because this goes against the religious ethics and against our own identity like society, I think that the homosexuality have only bad points because this kind of state make a disorder in the rest of the society also brings many other problems like a increase in the quantity of illnesses and many childrens that don’t have the blame will have an imbalance in the emotional aspect as in the psychological one.

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